Him: I want to invent a machine that works when the electricity fails.
Me: hmm... what would it look like? (thinking: oh boy, the innovation gene strikes again)
Him: like a box with a green button... and a red one...
Me: ok... (thinking: I can zone out now, should be safe enough, just keep agreeing with him)
Him: ... .... (blah blah I don't listen to...)... and then there will be a white button
Me: ah really, a white one?
Him: yes, right next to the yellow one!
Me: oh. Right. (thinking: wtf? there was a yellow one I missed somewhere?)
and this goes on and on...
... and I zone out again...
Him: and then the problem is to put a sign saying we have a box that saves you when there is no electricity.
Me: Riiight. (thinking: so now I'm selling boxes to save people from lack of electricity. And I need a marketing plan)
Him: Yup, we'll just put a sign to say this. But then I think the bubble is a better one.
Me: What? What bubble?
Him: the motorcycle bubble!
Me (remembering THAT conversation): Oh yes, so it won't rain on you.
Him: yes, it's a better invention, don't you think?
Me: I totally agree. (thinking: Note to self: throw away every other sock from his wardrobe so that he can match the mad scientist image - my sister in law figured him right)