Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The voice

A few weeks (or is it months already??) I had a conversation with my boys to explain the concept of a voice inside our heads that could tell us mean and untruthful things.

I don't remember what examples I gave them, but it might have been something like "my mean voice tells me I am not nice, not a good mother for you, etc.". They listened and I am not sure what they understood. The idea was to let them know that it is normal to 'hear' something like that in their heads, but to know the voice tells lies and it is there just to make us feel bad.

Then yesterday evening, out of the blue, one of them asks "what is the voice saying?"... It took me a while to understand what he was talking about. So I thought about the voice and what her nasty messages have been in the past days. And I told them that she was saying I am not useful, I am not fun to be with, and so on. These were my feelings from past week-end, basically, when I was quite depressed that I can't seem to enjoy and engage with my kids without fights and desperation on both sides.

And when they heard that, each of them in turn told me to come closer, cause they wanted to tell me a secret. And each screamed in my ear "hey, the voice, go away and leave mom alone! you're just saying stupid things".

That was just - Perfect. I love you, little guys, and I would be so much less without you.