The only thing I came up with is: I read. Yay! So don’t go having big ideas that I’m any kind of a book critic or something, it’s just that I read a lot (of bad stuff, mostly) and I would like to share every now and then what a specific book made me think of or how good or bad I felt reading it. That’s about all the depth you’ll get in here!
So, first one that I wanted to talk about is a romance series (I read those a lot, so sorry for the “real literature” fans out there reading this). The series is called Dark… something. Actually each book is “Dark” followed by another word, like “Dark prince”, “Dark pleasures” or whatever, I don’t remember the names (I actually had to look for the books to see what they were called).
More to the point: in short, it’s a series about some vampire-like characters, feeding on human blood, living in the Carpathian mountains (heh! I know those from somewhere!) which are called -surprise!- Carpathians. Not vampires!! Because they only feed with human blood, but never ever kill their “food”, otherwise the “dark side” of the force would make them become vampires and kill for pleasure. They are practically immortal and the males are the ‘hunters’ of the species, trying to hunt and kill those who turned vampires. In time, if the male does not find his lifemate (a woman, but of course!), they have less and less emotions and joy in their life, so they are more and more … available for the dark side to take hold. That’s basically the idea and each book is the adventure of a really really old male who has bravely survived the attraction of the dark side until he – finally!- finds the lifemate and binds her to him and all is well in his world.
Now, the books are quite average (to put it nicely), but… the thing that got me thinking is an idea that the author had (the only one I find original in all this) the idea of lifemates. Of course, there’s only one lifemate for each, so no messing around, that’s one thing – and nothing original about that. What’s weird is that the lifemates share ALL their thoughts and emotions via a sort of telepathic link. When I say “all”, it really means “all”. So it’s not like “I want to tell him X, I’ll tell him telepathically instead of picking up a phone”, it’s more like “Heh! I can ‘hear’ all your thoughts”. A point where I thought ‘oh, bummer’
So my question is: why is this so unthinkable? Why would we never feel safe enough with someone as to share everything, even our most weird or bad thoughts? Are people so fundamentally evil that they can never have 100% “publishable” thoughts towards at least one person in this world? I know I seem to be, because the idea just terrifies me.
Anyway, that’s the only thing I can recommend about these books. A nice and interesting idea, I think.
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