Sunday, July 21, 2013

Y’en a combien la-dedans?!

Well this will be weird. For the first time I am using a tablet to write and because the keyboard takes so much space I can’t even see what I am writing. It promises to be fun…
Anyway back to the topic I picked this time. Did you ever consider if you are a totally different person at work than at home? I will try not to think some of my colleagues are reading this…
I grew up with comments from the people who more-or-less knew me saying that I don’t care about other peoples’ feelings, that I am sooo confident, always know what I want and go for it, blah blah … Even one of my teachers said at some point that I am like a nice candy filled with caustic soda (I hope the word actually exists in English).
I usually thought the descriptions were accurate. I recently (like 3 years ago?! God has that been so long??) got to be a manager… yeah like managing people, as crazy as this may seem. So with all these lovely personality traits in my mind (which is a different person, if you recall) I moved my behavior in the opposite direction. People at the office say I am calm, organized, I listen to them and even go too far by not taking decisions (and letting them decide) when I probably should “impose” something. My own husband is laughing when I tell him what nice things my colleagues are thinking-or at least saying- about me.
So the question is (there had to be one, right?) Who am I? Why can I be understanding and listen to people at the office, but a  (screaming) maniac at home? Am I compensating something? My own “desguise” at the office? My husbands indecision and lack of interest in any kind of change? (I am obsessed with change, by the way, and that applies in both lives/personalities/context/whatever).
So maybe there is some common ground between the monsters living inside me, but the rest is chaos?
I am still amazed I can appear calm and quiet when I am arguing with myself in my head all the time. But at least I am having fun.

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